Tuesday 25 September 2012


`Walk The Wharfe`
Oh blimey, is that the time ?
Wednesday, October 24ththto Sunday, October28th , 2012
A George Tortoise spiffing wheeze in support of `Kidz Klub Leeds` 
We know , you can`t wait ! All year long you`ve been dreaming of that day when you can `boot up` and stride off into Wharfedale, miles to burn, a low autumnal sun on your back and a gentle wind caressing your hair (if you have any).Well, that time has arrived. In just a fewish balmy days time, George Tortoise and wonderful friends from across the globe, t will be taking to the fells to pursue their goal of having a great time whilst at the same time also raising much-needed funding for a fantastic cause.
Walk the whole 50 mile section of the River Wharfe, together with other like-minded optimists. Alternatively, walk a shorter amount to suit your desires according to the programme set out below, OR walk none of the Wharfe but enjoy yourself in this magnificent Dales setting-lovely villages and market towns, great shopping, restaurants and pubs, very close to Harrogate, York, Leeds for days out. Whatever suits you best.

Attend for 4,3 2, or 1 night , or simply just visit for the day (or night !).

Join in with the merriment as and when you like, and hopefully also help us in our support of ` Kidz Klub Leeds`.

A more detailed note of the `walking` days is set out below, to give you a chance to make your plans. For those of you whom we know are STAYING OVERNIGHT, copies of the full details will soon be whizzing your way from George Tortoise. For those attending FOR THE DAY (or Saturday Night Party),details relevant to your day will be given to you in advance (by the George Tortoise or Kidz Klub team)-just let us know which day. For those who just turn up out of the blue on the day-well we love you too, and will have copies of the day`s details to give to you at the start point. We are just so incredibly efficient ! We hope too that as many as possible will also attend the `end of walk` PARTY in Ilkley (again,see below), for which you`ll need a TICKET (just so that we know how many to cater for).

So, if you are able to join us, please make sure we know when and where, so that we can get all the detail to you. Most of all-THANK YOU for your wonderful support.

The Cunning Plan (click on the image below to take you to a page with all images and maps,shown at larger scale)

Wednesday October 24th.
Overnight in Grassington (or environs) for those planning to walk early tomorrow. Walk The Wharfers will be found in The Grassington Lodge,Black Horse and The Foresters Arms (and maybe elsewhere too !), so plenty of opportunity to socialise when we arrive that evening-but obviously with a view to maintainingning  physical perfection for the day ahead.

Grassington rush-hour.

Thursday October 25th ~(Buckden to Grassington-16.5 miles max if you do the lot)
8.01 am (yes that`s right !!) Catch the nice litte No 72 Dalesbus (blimey, Public Transport) from Grassington Square/National Park Centre,short journey up the valley to the start point at Buckden.Start walking down (hill) the valley....ahh, beautiful, full of fun, vigour, foreboding. Enjoy the banter, the odd pub,the very odd walker.Arrive back in Grassington, tired but elated, around 4 pm. Sauna.Cold bath.Never again. OK, I`ll do tomorrow. I must be mad.
But I don`t want to do it all. Have pity...OK,so for you;
10.32am(you can have a lie-in). Catch the No 72R Dalesbus from Grassington Square/National Park Centre to Kettlewell (half way along the valley.....or so), meet with the early party, walk with them back to Grassington. Or of course you could simply amble up `The Dalesawy` footpath as far as you like, maybe meet up the main party if convenient, then back to Grassington
But I don`t want to walk at all.Don`t blame you. Grassington`s a lovely place to tootle around. Enjoy. Do your own thing. Meet up later.

The Wharfe Valley at Buckden.

Note Buckden (the start point) on the map below. We`ll be following the red triangles shown on the map(Dalesway) gently downhill. It`s a stunning valley, especially in heavy rain !

Kettlewell is shown @ foot of map above, @ top of map below.


 Grassington reached at the end of the day`s walk via a short hop over the edge of Conistone Moor (follow those red triangles again) is shown on the next map.
Friday October 26th~(Grassington-Ilkey,18miles max if you do the lot)
Meet at the National Park Centre in Grassington at 9 am (it`s getting later !).

Start the walk down the valley toward Burnstall, again following The Dalesway Path (those red triangles). Some hours later, enchanted, reminiscing on the delights of the day ( pub stops, picnics,conversaations,fear) you should find yourself in Ilkley. If you`re not you are either lost or have wisely taken the option of one of the `get out points` along the route.Don`t forget, please feel free to make your own arrangements if you wish-the following options to shorten the walk (should you be doing it) are merely suggestions.
Get Out Points on the map below:

Burnstall (4 miles from Grassington) No 74 Dalesbus back to Grassington @ 12.12pm or 2.12 pm.
Appletreewick (a further2 miles on) No 74 Dalesbus back to Grassington 12.07 pm or 2.07 pm.

Get Out Points on the map below;

Bolton Abbey (a further 6 miles on) No 74 Dalesbus back to Grassington 1.50 pm (if you`re quick) or 4.50 pm (oops). Alternatively catch the same bus to Ilkley @ 4.18 pm (clever !).


Get Out Points on the map below;

Addingham (a further 4 miles on). No 74 Dalesbus to Ilkley @ 4.22 pm or 6.16 pm if you spent too long over coffee.

Well, if you get past Addingham it`s a breeze into Ilkley (not necessarily fresh-Sewage Works ahead-more on this later). You`ll probably be sufficiently deluded as want to jog the last section to tonight`s base, so it`s Taxi or bust (or phone a friend), beyond Addingham.

                                                                          Bolton Abbey
Friday Night in Ilkley:By now, if you were staying in Grassington or even if you`re just here for the day  you will have moved to Ilkley-lots of famous people are joining us to stay tonight including-rock stars,poets,politicians,liberal-voters,even Daily Mail readers-be gentle. Most of the Wheatley Arms in Ilkley (Ben Rhydding district) will be occupied by our group, plus other magnificent folk will be staying at The Dalesman and The Cow and Calf  and.Plenty of chance to socialise and relax.
Saturday October 27th~(from Ilkley,via a winding route and Ilkley Moor to Otley-15.5 miles if you do the lot).

Funny-Head Day-bring a funny hat (if you want). Big Prizes tonight at the party.

 Meet outside at 9.30 am (the start is getting later !) All Saints Church opposite The Dalesway Hotel (plenty of standing places-garden and so on) on Leeds Road (A65)-New Brook Street junction. Glorious sunshine. You can join in later if you want-up at The Cow and Calf (see below)

Did you say Ilkley Moor ?
"Aye lad"
But that` s not `on` The Wharfe ?
"Eye lash-sorry Aye lass"
So are we strictly speaking `Walking The Wharfe
 today ?`
"Aye-you`ll see up`t Wharfe in`t distance"
And will we finish anywhere near it ?
"Aye-rart in`t if  thou kip askin"

To-day`s walk overlooks the Wharfe rather than tramples along it-reason being that the path along the river on this section is either very poor, very boring, very wet, or assaulted by Sewage Works (there are 3 such works or so for the good people of Ilkley-that`s a lot of...sewage).So it makes good sense to take in the wonderful and globally famous Ilkley Moor (you can see the Urals from here), its magnificent vistas, myths and legends....and of course sing as we huddle together for comfort that wonderful Yorkshire National Anthem - `On Ilkla Moor Baht `at`.

The initial walk will take us through town (making a `charity collection pleasant racket`), then up via the gentle Hebers Ghyll route to west of town, onto Ilkley Moor. From then on, again we shall mostly follow The Dalesway (those red triangles, this time with a `green` guideline) as shown on the maps above.

Funny Heads ? If you fancy it.......we`ll at least make a splash on the walk. Prizes for the best.Twe ideas below ?


Can I join at The Cow and Calf (pub and rocks, on top of Moor) ?

Good thinking-saves the walk up the hill and along some of the Moor (4 miles).The walking party should be there by 11 am at the latest.

The Cow and Calf Rocks (The Cow and Calf Pub and Hotel is over the road) and views from Ilkley Moor across Wharfedale.

Are there `Get Out Points` along the way ?

Yes-at Menston Railway Station shown on the maps above (a further 5.5 miles from The Cow and Calf) trains to Ilkley at 1.05, pm, repeated hourly.

Where do we finish the walk ?

 As you`ll see on the final map, the route heads North away from `The Dalesway`footpath (those red diamonds on the map again) at The Chevin Viewpoint, and directly into Otley ("Aye lass,Otlair-it be on`t Wharfe").Kissing the Jubilee Clock in The Buttermarket in the town square signifies the completion of 50 miles, photos,team hugs,champagne all round ( well-a bottle with straws) and promise to self  to `never to do this again`.Then it`s a hop on the X84 @ 2.20 pm, 2.40 pm, repeated hourly to suit you, the short distance back to Ilkley-or via any alternative arrangement that you may have made.

The Jubilee Clock in Otley

 Saturday Night `Walk The Walk`  Celebration In Ilkley, 7.30 pm start.
@The Clarke Foley Centre,Cunliffe Road,Ilkley,LS29 9DZ

Join in if you wish with this evening social event in Ilkley organised as an opportunity for the whole group to celebrate completing `Walk The Wharfe`. Fun, frivolity, razzmatazz,a bit of a knees up,prizes,thanks to all and so on, whilst maintaining suitable aplomb and decorum.

The Clarke-Foley Centre is an excellent venue in central Ilkley, with public car parking right outside. It is a community centre (and excellent charity) serving the town, and has great facilities, contributing to what should prove a very enjoyable evening.

Ticket Needed

You will need a ticket for this event-simply so that we know how many we shall need to provide for.These can be obtained from Ash at George Tortoise, or Sarah and Owen at Kidz Klub (contacts below).

Please note if you have already `signed up`, one of these will be sent to you in your information pack. If you haven`t signed up, let us know via the contacts asap of your intentions both with regard to this Saturday night event and which day(s) you will be attending.

Charity - Giving


If you wish to make a charitable contribution to Kidz Klub as a result of this `Walk The Wharfe` effort, then please do so. You can either;

Use the following e-link to donate on line:www.virginmoneygiving.com/team/walkthewharfe
or set up your own on-line donation link for yourself and friends to use should you wish.

You can gain sponsorship for the miles you walk. There will be a form sent to all the participants so far known-if you are just deciding to join in, a form will be sent by Ash at George Tortoise or Sarah and Owen at Kidz Klub once we know you`re `on board`.

You can simply decide just to make a donation -cheque (payable to Kidz Klub Leeds) or cash to Ash, Sarah or Owen.

Donations deadline 17th November if possible, please.

But please note-this is not compulsory. If you just want to come and enjoy the walk(s) and the company then that`s perfecly fine.

Kidz Klub Leeds is for children aged 4 to 11 in Leeds. Our Saturday Klubs are attended on average by 250 children weekly, the Beeston Satellite Klub by 110 children and our Middleton Klub by 70 children, our West Leeds Mini-Satellites by 100 children. We visit oand support over 1500  inner city children in their homes every week and take assemblies in 34 Primary Schools. We host annual holidays for children and provide support for parents. We also work nationally and internationally supporting existing Kidz Klubs and helping new Klub’s set up.

The children that we work with come from all over inner city Leeds: from Armley, Burmantofts, Beeston, Bramley, Burley, Gipton, Halton Moor, Harehills, Holbeck, Lincoln Green, Little London, East End Park, Middleton, Osmondthorpe and Woodhouse. These areas suffer from some of the worst deprivation and social exclusion in the country, with unemployment, low incomes, crime and drugs affecting the life chances of the children and their families. We try to help these children and their families to overcome any difficulties that they may face and to support them grow in a loving environment with the help where needed by people who care.

And finally,with apologies for stating the blindingly obvious....

It might rain. It might be a tad windy. We`re tough.But even so,waterproof and warm clothing will be essential, as will proper walking clobber on your feet (OK so what if the Romans wore sandals ? Just look what happened to their economy). You`ll need access to the map for the day and the itinerary, with phone numbers, get out points, bus and taxi details and so on- this will all be  sent in your information pack once you sign up, or if you turn up `on the day` copy the salient points above from this site.You will understand that your well-being and safety on this walk and during this event is entirely your own responsibility.

That said....

We`ll all have a great time and we`re once again grateful for your tremendous support. Looking forward to meeting up at the event.

Ash,Elaine,Dave,Yvonne @ George Tortoise and Sarah and Owen at Kidz Klub.

Contacts @

georgetortoise@fsmail.net and    info@kidzklubleeds.org.uk    Tel:0113 2456533

And please take note.....................these two people helped plan the walk. Enough said.