Monday 4 August 2014

Dunster Fest

               THE DUNSTER FEST
            Friday 12th September-Sunday 14th September, 2014

Yes, we`re back with another `Fest`, and this one involves a Castle ! ( could Lord Haves have booked this perchance? -Ed )

Energised by the possibilities for further merriment and a goodly charitable donation we urge you to hop aboard this surf-bus of opportunity, and join in with us at the `Dunster Fest`,  the latest such  bash organised by the over-persistent George Tortoise crew. We know many of you have already signed-up and booked in to accommodation in the village, but for those of you who haven`t perhaps committed yet, there is still time to leap on deck.

 The Yarn Market, Dunster Central, GT HQ for the Fest.

For this  glorious weekend in September, you can throw away your inhibitions, reduce significantly your expectations, and join in the gentle ribaldry and pugilism for which these Fests are renowned. You  can only be happy for so long, so why not join us in romantic Dunster, that historic village ` twixt beauteous moor and silk - azured  sea ` (Shakespeare)  ? You`ll be surrounded by like-minded beauty, brains and talent. You`ll have the chance to eat, drink, socialise and be merry with friends both old and new, some of whom have been to Sunderland. And at the same time you`ll be helping to  raise money for a great cause-Cancer Research UK. What could be better ? (`well, lot`s of things actually` Ed.)

To Remind;
These events over the years have raised over £22,000 (plus additional Gift Aid donations), thanks entirely to your generous involvement.


Friday 12th September, 2014.

Festers, gather in Dunster (some of you may already be there) , checking into your various Hotels, Band B`s, Tents, and Butlins Ski-Chalets as arranged either by your goodselves or with the aid of GT Rep`s. Those around earlier on the Friday can join us at The Forresters Pub for a game of skittles or a drink in the garden (if weather fine) or both-from 4pm onwards.It`s in the village (it`s a small village !) at the end of West Street. Proceedings will then shift to the evening`s opportunity for everyone to get-together from 6pm onwards at The Dunster Castle Hotel  right in the middle of the village.

The Dunster Castle
 Food will be available from around 6 pm , and then  throughout the evening until last orders for food at 9.15 pm, and served flexibly depending upon your time of arrival. A set menu  (with options) will be available, with 2-3 courses at £15/£17 people in our very own `George Tort Review Bar` upstairs.There will be a chance for all to meet, swap kisses, toast each others health, and in general bond - something of course that the Liberal Tory coalition have so successfully done with the nation at large (`That`s a cheap shot from a frustrated socialist`-Ed)  There will also most likely  be some `in-house art-house` entertainment with fun for all the family , and the chance to do your thing well into the night (terms and conditions apply)

Saturday 13th September, 2014.

Refreshed after a glorious sleep and a high-fat Somersetshire breakfast, the glorious party make for Saturday `Events HQ` from 10 am onwards (until 11 am) at `The Yarn Market`, to meet the GT Logistics team. After a full briefing that in time honoured tradition most will ignore or argue with, the group will set off on the advised `walk`, now a much-loved and deservedly underrated tradition, following a route on a map (with big pictures ) to suit all abilities. There will be a 40 miler (for Ironman and  Atlantic Yachtsman Sir Nick Eaves), and then for example 5 ` ish and even shorter  milers , for the rest of us.

 Last Years Walking Event-hopefully warmer this time around.

Each walking route will have two traditions attached to them; the Treasure Hunt (this year we will even provide answers to go with the valuable prizes) and a finishing line in a pub.

For those who would prefer to stay in Dunster rather than walk, a whole raft of possibilities will be presented, mostly achievable. And a reminder, that you are all very welcome to do anything at all that suits you during the day. None of the activities are compulsory or expected-it`s your holiday, after all !

Night Time Celebration Meal

We can all congregate again in the bars of the ancient caching inn, The Luttrell Arms from 6.45 pm, famous for all sorts of historical reasons including the fact that Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton  once stayed here. There we may share sheep stories and other worrying events from the day. By 8 pm, we`ll be seated and jubilant, ready to receive the wondrous delights of their marvellous kitchen, together with the opportunity to talk and chuckle, as well as feast.

A threes course meal-we shall need you to pre-select your courses please-menu to be sent shortly, will be served plus coffee and tea-for £28 per head.

 The Luttrell Arms Hotel

 Inevitably there will be the usual prize-giving following the day`s activities, casting of nasturtiums upon the credibility of the organisers, requests for money-back, and general good fun. By 11pm it may all be over, with of course the opportunity to reflect upon life over a coffee, brandy, and late night bag of pork scratchings.

 Sunday 14th September, 2014.

Rise with the dawn, misty eyed, wandering what it was you really did say last night. Following a light breakfast and early morning swim off Minehaead Point (5 mile walk if the tide`s out) it`s group hug and kisses, then back to the big smoke.


The medieval village of Dunster is in Somerset within the Exmoor National Park. With it's Castle, Yarn Market, Tithe Barn and a wealth of listed buildings, Dunster is a favourite destination for many tourists

Home to the Luttrell family for 600 years, Dunster Castle is now owned by the National Trust with the castle and grounds open to the public.

The West Somerset railway, a branch line of the old Great Western Railway, runs from Minehead to Bishops Lydeard. Dunster station, one of the ten stations on the route, is 20 minutes walk from Dunster

A unique collection of 1,300 dolls with about 700 on display each year housed in the Memorial Hall, Dunster.

Mystery bus tour to Birmingham.

 Dunster Beach, 5 mins away by car.

Exmoor meets the sea.

 Romance, gentle wind, and heather.
...containing  the`Lorna Doone` landscape  

Somerset and Devon Coastal walks and villages.

Classy shops and restaurants, cafes, and pubs.



Interested ? They are.

He`s not !

Any queries, then hen contact the GT crew as per usual (or reply to this blog) to secure your place
We look forward to another lovely time together, and don`t forget the bonus of doing something for Cancer Research UK (by getting yourself sponsored, or just by a kind donation at the end, or simply by supporting everyone there....whatever you fancy)

During the Fest you can find us at :-

Citizen James` Base and Roundheads Barracks, Dunster Castle Hotel Tel: 01643 823030  Ash : 078806 92657

Lord Haves Base and Cavalier Landed Gentry Opulent Splendour HQ, Luttrell Arms: Tel 01643 821555  Dave: 07745 739662

Yvonne, Dave, Elaine, Ash @ GT HQ.   

                                                                 (and of course George Tortoise )