Monday 12 November 2012

Walked The Wharfe

"By jove we did it !"
Despite health warnings and threats of an enforced work experience at The BBC some 50 plus optimists completed up to three days of intense physical endurance, `Walking The Wharfe`. Why ? Well because they were determined to raise much-needed funds for the wonderful charity, Kidz Klub Leeds, plus enjoy the camaraderie inspired by this `Yorkshire wilderness experience`.
The great news is that £2,492.10 (£2,762.60 i/c Gift Aid) has so far been raised for Kidz Klub Leeds. Even more suprisingly, accounts of madness were minimal (three reported), and only two walkers (Lord Haves and Sir Lloyd of Brighton and the Hove) admitted to being lost-although this was on the Ilkley Moor section, a rather worrying affair particularly if you`re from `down London`.
The photographic evidence below proves how much can be done by those with such little fitness. Yes, when northern grit met southern bodies,there was only one winner-the NHS.
DAY 1 Thursday 25th October

The 8.02am ferry from Grassington to Buckden. The `A` team are chipper despite a night of partying.

Tipping out time at Buckden and the start of the 50 mile walk. Spot the professionals.

Three wise men struggle with a gate (`Er-it`s a stile actually-Ed`)
Locals assert their rights.

Legging it past our hotel at Starbotton.

Indian tree with no leaves-chilly.

Iron Men meet in Kettlewell

`I told you we`re lost`-hunger and confusion led to early divisions in the group

Others take a more relaxed view. `Go on,you go and talk to him and I`ll nick his sandwiches`

`Where the heck are the rest of the group?` Young communards nervously await reinforcements via the Grassington Bus.
And then they appeared, Britain`s finest muster at the Bus Stop in Kettlewell

St Moritz meets Pravda.

`Which way ?`Teamwork on the Fell.

The lunchtime chippy on top of Conistone Moor.Not quite what was expected.

Between a rock and a hard place.Wimbledon line officials discuss a point.

Mystery feet.Are they Roamin` Sandles ?

But no time to waste-on`t Grassington before sunset.

Synchronised madness.
Can it be true ?

Man losing trousers-but can they keep up ?
At last-Grassington, casino capital of the Dales.
Photo Eleanor Morton

                               DAY 2 Friday 26 th October

`Women on the Wharfe Path`-the start of day two.Sprinting from Grassington down to the Wharfe.

`Ouick, they`re catching us`.

The idyllic Wharfe,silent,nervous....

And then, from out of the early morning mist....

And a straggler.`I name this bridge....`

The raging torrent, near to Burnsall.

Wharfe Roadsign.

Burnsall The Beautiful.
Toward Bolton Abbey-award winning autumnal shot of The Wharfe  (C) GT Duff Images Ltd
Dog walks man on lead.

Bolton Abbey Fall, with Life Belt  (C)GT Duff Images Ltd

An athlete leaps across the Stepping Stones

Others follow, willingly and skillfully
And then......just prior to total immersion...

Onward to Ilkley. Attractive boundary fence to keep out salmon.

Synchronised stompers.

Getting close to the business end of the walk.

Is it Hadrians? The Berlin? no....Addingham`s !
Delirium in downtown Ilkley-`we made it`.

`Giz a biscuit`
`Giz a kizzer`

The Coalition Front Bench make policy.
"He didn`t buy a round in the last photo either"


Whilst at a nightclub in Amsterdam....

Picture of cutlery     (C) GT Duff Images Ltd

`We only asked for a sandwich`
`Someone will pay for this`

DAY 3 Saturday 27 th October

The Final Day-`Funny Heads` gather on the green in central Ilkley.

Ilkley Moor in the distance, calling out to us to... `clear orf`.

`This is such a doddle`

Funny Heads,leaning to the right.

Liberal Voters

Apology:The last two captions have been inadvertently confused (Ed) 

Exhausted remnants of the advance party, struggle through the heather to the peak. Cliff, Richard and some shadows look on.

`Anyone for a warm ice ?`

`Noooo...but I`d love a Friesian`
The Chevin Rocks.`And so my people, I have brought you out of the wilderness...`

`To the promised land below...............`

All that was left was to struggle down the rugged slopes and through the Chevin Forest to...

...the famous clock in Otley Buttermarket

..where those who had gasped for the full 50 ish miles gathered to kiss and embrace this, the symbolic end of the great ` Walk The Wharfe adventure.` Others though preferred to peep at......

.... `What The Butler Saw`....

Some did a jig of joy.

`Well we`ll be there won`t we everyone ....everyone ?`

Then back to base in Ilkley by private the showbiz party of the year at The Ilkley Palladium.....

`So there was this big bear and a gorilla...`
`Three rounds-no kissin` or `uggin, winner doesn`t av t`barn dance`

Wanted man spots two Texas Rangers.
Wanted woman tries to spot dancers
`So you`ve walked 50 miles-lets`s Zumba!`

Elyse, Ilkley Queen of Zumba, struggles with remedial group.

`No publicity !`

A fan spots famous London Broadcaster `Dr Robert`.
Dr Robert signs autographs.
`And Leeds Utd will be in the Premiership next year`.

Keppel and Betty introduce the awards.
Younger readers may need to google at this point (Ed)

Winner of the prestigious `George Tortoise Award for Bravery`
(Citation-for continuing in the face of illness and injury, complete submersion in The Wharfe when it would have been more advisable to use the bridge than the Stepping Stones, flask spillage from backpack down back (and bum-Ed),subsequent destruction of coursework book by said Orange Juice,memory loss regarding route whilst `Geo-Cashing`,stoicism in the face of threat from Heffers...the list goes on)

A disgruntled fan storms the stage and  aims below the belt.

But still wins the `George Tortoise Award For Endurance`
 "You were there for us , all the way"


The `George Tortoise Austerity Award
`-for 50 miles of unconditional strife, surrounded by old people.

The `George Tortoise Promising Newcomer Of The Year`
Award  for completing 40 miles of the long march, humility in the face of a verbal battering from the landlady in Grassington, and enthusiastic yet irrational optimism about Brighton and Hove Albion FC.

And Finally a big THANKS ............. the excellent Leeds-based who provided us with a superb buffet completely free of charge for our Saturday evening party in Ilkley (worth £500 !!!)
The Clarke-Foley Centre, Cunliffe Rd, Ilkley (aka The Ilkley Palladium) for the use of their fantastic facility for the Saturday Evening celebration.
To everyone  @ Kidz Klub Leeds, for the wonderful support they give to children and families in Leeds.

To everyone who sponsored us, for their support of Kidz Klub Leeds,

....and of course to the fantastic group of `Walk The Wharfers` who came from all over the country to make  this such an enjoyable event.

"We`ll be back"

Ash ,Elaine,Dave,Yvonne @ George Tortoise

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