Sunday 26 October 2014

The `Done` The Dunster Fest Exclusive

Yes, the staff at George Tortoise HQ can at last excitedly reveal that `The Dunster Fest` has now been completed. The eight week delay in publishing the outcomes has been unavoidable, given that we`ve only just recovered Uncle Bertie from Dunster Woods, 55 days after he set off on the sponsored walk from `The Yarn Market`. He is none the worse for his ordeal, stating he was only following Lord Haves`s `fxxxing map`. He manfully contributed a decent wad to the charity haul, and is now holidaying in a convalescence home in Dudley.

A  Fester reacts to the physical demands of the walk (this is not Uncle Bertie)

So we can now declare that you all raised:

                       £1, 850 for Cancer Research UK

and that this figure has been sent to this wonderful charity to support their incredible work.

" Where Am I ?" In Dunster Woods, leading the search party for Uncle Bertie

This is another fantastic total. We are so very grateful for your generous donations and of course for joining in with this Fest and making it such an enjoyable event. These events have been running for 10 years now, and the total raised for charity over that time is  standing at around £24,000-this is without taking into account the additional contributions of Gift Aid. So it has been a fabulous run of good times together for a worthy cause, and we hope you agree, winner for all concerned. Thank you.

                 SO, WHAT DID WE GET UP TO THEN ?

Lead Hound Dottie responds;
"Wot a larf " 
Lord Haves addresses the pack
"I believe in Nick Clegg"

A young family member; "Get me out of here"
"Yes I know, but it keeps grandad happy"
"How far?"
Sir Nick and Lady Eaves arising from their bed

Festers study the Aldi shopping trolley manual

Whilst miles ahead the fitness regime is paying off for a young Bewdley couple
"Now look `ere, are you having a laugh with these clues or what ?"

"Home. I want to go home"

Wiki leaks activist on day release (face obscured for legal reasons)
 together with  Ecuadorian Embassy security  staff 
"Do you know where I`d like to stick this ?"
Spot the `clever clogs` in this lot !

"It`s down his neck !!"

"I`d recommend a contrarian position and significant investment in Gold"

And then, onto the `friendly` Rounders  match.`age shall not wither them.....`
Early doors and a `whippy bender` ball accounts for a young Festers wicket
This bowler surely used to be a professional ! Two suspicious `men in black` look on.

"Is it over yet ?"

An `air traffic control` cover drive, visibly appreciated by the crowd.

Two Festers hear that Prince Charles is about to attend

The fateful delivery that shattered Lord Haves` leg. Another intimidating `whippy bender` was
enough to finish this man`s weekend (er, and the following month. Ed)
Yet just a few hours earlier he was walking (and talking) for Britain......
Doctor with baby on back jogs through mass trespass , to help the good lord.
Grandson is told the news

Mountain rescue gather to discuss strategy
Yet love was still in the air

Members of the family react to the predicament

"No comment right now thanks Guv"
There was concern back in the Village

 The elders gathered

 But the party went on......

 "Chelsea for me mate" brings gales of approval

Captains of the victorious walking team engage in a social contract....

 ...whilst their happy comrades engage in tree talk.

"This reminds me of the miners strike in the 80`s"

By way of a break...a beautiful flower from the walk.  

                                                    And an Ash Tree from Dunster Woods

So party frocks and Sunday best

You can take the boy out of the Guiness, but......

"I`m watching you with that white...."

"Too late !"

"Why don`t you do something useful for a change"

"Yep, me too"

Warming up the beer

"Just act normally and he`ll go away"

"And all this is free you know"

"So mine`s a Newcastle Brown"

"Yep, we`re all mad"

"Did I say.....this reminds me of the miners strike in the 80`s ?"

"What, they`re family ?"

So we waited.....

And waited.....

Some even brought their own supplies

But it was all about the Awards....

Lord Haves was unable to walk, so a surrogate George Tortoise
official presented the `GT Award For Stunning Verse` to a worthy laureate.

And bonded with the `George Tortoise Champion Jockey`

Whilst celebrating the `George Tortoise Endeavour Badge` to an injured Fester

And rejoicing with `Newcomer of the Year`

 Prior to being helped away to a St John`s Ambulance station.

And as the night progressed into the wee small hours....

There was merriment..." I once saw Stoke City win..."

And fatigue:"What time does this end ?"

"Who `s round ?"

"Mines a pint"

      SO.......THANKS SO MUCH !!

For supporting George Tortoise `Dunster Fest` and making all the fun and all the superb support for a great charity possible.


Yvonne, Dave, Elaine, Ash xxxx


"It says here in the small to a Tory"

"How big ?"

At times, the ball can be an irrelevance

"We just need to get back to Wales"

Local Councillors meet to discuss greenfield development.

Man tries to escape parents.

Celtic supporter discusses tactics

 Lead Hound fishes for Lib Democrat

And finally.............

Dunster Woods certainly holds it`s suprises; GT busts.

No wonder Uncle Bertie went missing

Peace, Love, Health


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