Tuesday 7 December 2010


A very happy Christmas and a peaceful and healthy New Year to all GT`s friends and supporters . We`ve been up and running for just over 6 years now and have had, it must be said,a fantastic time. The thanks for that is entirely due to your support and friendship (and yes,we know,occasional pity !).

In that time you`ve raised almost £20,000 for various charities simply by doing odd-ball things at various functions and weekend `fests`, at places such as Hay On Wye, Rutland Water,the Peak District,and the Norfolk Coast. There have also been week long expeditions; Three Men and A Goat (The Hadrians Wall Walk) and Cross Scotland By Boat come to mind. For good luck you`ve also been assailed by demands to purchase G T Charity CD`s and Christmas Cards or the requirement to attend GT organised Music Festivals in clubs, Town Halls and Canal-sides. Almost like clockwork, just when you thought we`d given up another of those `Newsletters` pops through the post.

You`ve hoped against hope that maybe, we`d `got over it`.Some of you have even been known to apologise to us when you saw us coming but were too slow to cross over the road;"I`m really sorry I haven`t bought a CD this year". Despite this, we now have well over 100 enthusiasts (our term) within the GT network (and on the data base !!) who have joined us on our various weekend events,and many hundreds who have been afflicted by us in some way. Many thanks.

The Forest Of Dean Fest Friday 29th April-Monday 2nd May 2011.


A weekend at the Tudor Farmhouse Hotel in Clearwell, this ancient royal forest. Top quality accommodation in a beautiful setting close to the Wye Valley.Usual opportunity to join in with wacky activities, or simply to do your own thing.For further information, contact Dave,Yvonne,Ash,Elaine as per normal
or via email to: georgetortoise@fsmail.net
Tudor Farmhouse Hotel: http://www.tudorfarmhousehotel.co.uk/

or via a comment on this blog.

The George Tortoise Blog
Just in case you`re not sure, click on the George Tortoise Links on the right of the page to go straight to other web pages associated with this one. You might feature on some of them !

If you want to leave a comment for us, simply click on the comments box at the borrom of the site, and off you go.



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