Many thanks for `signing up` for this weekend`s fun and festivity.Some people will do anything to avoid a royal wedding !
The `Sold-Out` sign is now up in the Tudor Farmhouse Hotel, with all 20 rooms having been snapped up by `festers`, and we`re now reserving additional accommodation in the village for others who are joining us.So,if you`re still perhaps thinking that you would like to attend but haven`t yet made a decision please contact Dave or Ash asap and we`ll highlight the various options available. The more the merrier !
First, a reminder of where The Forest Of Dean is. Many festers with a southerly bent have been asking us is it north of Milton Keynes ? Of course we`ve had to admit that it is. Indeed it`s spot on the Welsh border, so this is truly an international setting with events to match.
A useful map (where is the `North`?)

We shall furnish detailed maps to assist all travellers in due course. As ever, our admiration goes out to those making journeys from the extremities of the kingdom, some of whom(London socialists)have requested expenses for attendance.
So what will be going on ?
Well hopefully as you will recall (from the rain forests of paperwork) for those arriving on the Friday evening there will be a meal as desired at Tudor Farmhouse Hotel. Already a goodly number have `signed up` for this. We shall be asking if you would like to `eat together` on this evening at 8.30 pm. Last orders this night would be for a 9 pm start to the meal (for any late arrivers).Then on the Saturday lunch time, sandwiches,and scones will be laid on at the hotel for those arriving that day, and also for those already resident who would like this. Saturday night is the lovely-jubbly meal together with some frivolity, over the road at The Wyndham Arms Hotel, and on the Sunday evening it`s back to base at The Tudor Farmhouse Hotel for the final evening meal.
Those arriving that day may not `clock in` until late in the evening due to distances travelled.For those `in situ`, Lord Haves will be offering a late afternoon `Royal Flush`, a compendium of activities to celebrate the wedding of Willy and Kate. An alternative republican offering in a small backroom will be organised by Ash.
Please note that the village are holding a street party for some reason, on the afternoon/early evening. There will be lots of bunting and jollity, adding a touch of je ne sais quoi to our arrival. (They`ll be having a bigger party when we leave-Ed)
The Walk and Treasure Hunt, starting from the village at 2.30 pm onwards, designed to titillate and inspire. As per normal this will cater for all physical abilities and intellects,and will doubtless attract the usual condemnations regarding clarity of map instructions, together with the generous dollop of cheating so characteristic of this event.
Following the Saturday evening formal meal, we shall be organising a `special event`within the local environs designed to prepare you all for your beds.
Outdoor games will hopefully be available on the village green (er-village field;Ed) . Much will depend upon the weather; it has been known to rain in this area, although we do have a good batch of company brolleys for the hardy and determined. Rounders, badminton, cricket, conkers, all provided from the GT cellars.
We are working on trips down the local caves for those who would consider this, plus the usual suspects of canoeing(on the River Wye), bike riding in the forest (take a lamp)and even Pony Trekking.And of course for those who would rather just sit and chat, the hotel is really comfortable. There are complimentary newspapers, board games, and almost certainly the odd chance for an `inside` quiz or three if desired.The brandy is lovely too.
Please remember.
All of the events are optional (except for the meals you`ve signed up for of course). They`re just for fun. If you want to do your own thing at any time, that`s absolutely fine.This is a beautiful area with lovely scenery, villages, market towns.There will be so many things for you to choose from and may not need the `events` above !
And a reminder that hopefully you are happy that our chosen charity for this event is CANCER RESEARCH UK.
SOME PICTURES TO REMIND YOU OF WHAT`S AHEAD ! (plus a request for feedback; see end)
Entrance To Tudor Farmhouse Hotel

The Village Of Clearwell. Isn`t it lovely !

The Tudor Farmhouse Hotel

Restaurant inside The Tudor Farmhouse Hotel

And again-The Tudor Farmhouse Hotel

Just one more-The Tudor Farmhouse Hotel from the road (to stop you shooting past it !)

The Forest Of Dean steam and diesil railway is nearby. Might be your thing ?

One of the many boars that wander the area looking for love.

The Forest Of Dean at dawn.Not bad heh?

Feeling energetic ? Ride a pony ot take a pony taxi.

Where are we ? You too can get lost on a bike.

Viking re-enactment on the Wye.

What about a spot of caving ?

Please contact Dave or Ash via this blog or their usual phone/emails to confirm the following;
If you are arriving on Friday and you have indicated that you want the evening meal at The Tudor Farmhouse Hotel would you be happy to sit down `together` with the party for an 8.30 pm start ?
Any other issues or queries, again please contact us.
That`s it for now. We`ll be back in touch shortly.
Thanks again for agreeing to join us for the weekend.
Dave,Yvonne, Ash, Elaine.
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