Tuesday 21 June 2011

Forest Fest-The Final Frontier

What a weekend; 40 jolly `Festers` enjoying the gentle delights of Clearwell Village and its environs, deep in the heart of the Forest Of Dean. And all in a good cause-raising a total of £1,374 for Cancer Research Uk. http://cancerresearch.org.uk  These fine, misguided, but sporting people, travelled from every part the country, with a couple even travelling through the night from their ocean-liner docked in Southampton Water.What commitment. What dedication. What inability to just say `no`.


The excellent Tudor Farmhouse Hotel, base for the weekend.

The village of Clearwell
There was socialising in the bar.
Cool socialites

"Yes I know he has a Fern on his shoulder"

Just back from their world cruise....


Lord Haves

Well, at least there`s the wine....

There was socialising in the garden.

"Cor, this en `arf good, darlin`"
"Do not eat that burger"
Please don`t go home already..........

A son, lovingly assists his mother..........

"You want money ?"

"And this was my best disco move"

"I demand to see my lawyer"

And then there was the 15 mile walk !

"Those trees will be fine"

On man, two women, and a camera.....mmmm!

Chilled or what ?

That`s more like it.
Checking the FTSE.
Last but not least.

Out of the hotel, er, was it turn right...
Then left passed the church.....

Or was it straight on...ask a GI.

You could get lost for days out here.

Nothing but hills, and a localised tornado.
"I know that I said, gather a few sticks for the fire , but.... !"

The glories of the forest floor.

`That`s it, I`m off"

Meanwhile, are those walkers I see in the distance ?

Or could it be another well-targeted UNISON protest march ?

No, it`s....

...more magnificent `Fester`s`, feigning no paining, 12 miles in to the walk....

"Ha....tired ?...why of course not my good fellow"
"No publicity thank you"

These people just ooze.....class, and sophistication. Cannes, Milan, Symonds Yat....
More ahoy.....

From the Paris catwalk.....

"We said, no publicity~"

"I didn`t"

Homeward bound.

Following the walk, it became essential to combat dehydration.

And further food was required, this time at The Wyndham Arms, just a stumble away across the road.
"Does your wine smell awful too ?"

"Well we`re on the G and T dear"

"You`re not having these pearls"

Tiredness overwhelmed one pair.

Then the excitement of the village Duck-Race.
Was too much for one `Fester`.

And they`re off.......

Amost overbearingly tense...at this stage....

Lord Haves and the villagers follow `the field`......was it still `beak and beak` ?

Er....well no.......great excitement as the winner crosses the line....

A winning punter , off to the bank.

Plus the chance to do a jig.

All requiring further fuel.
And finally, concluding remarks from our guest speaker.

The weather was fabulous, and the company superb. Once again, everyone attending the event entered fully into the spirit of the weekend. No injuries or arrests were reported, and we were even asked back.
Many thanks to all of you who supported this event. And thanks also to those hundreds (yes `tis true) within our network of families,friends, and friends of friends and families,who chip in. Hopefully you`ll feel able to at least consider another future offering from the `George Tortoise Album Of Spectacular Opportunities`, as and when it drops in your in-box. Talking of which......
George Tortoise is now on TWITTER : @  http://twitter.com/GeorgeTortoise1  lonely and looking for friends to tweet. Will you be his friend ?
In addition George T can also by found on SKYPE: http://www.skype.com/ @ georgetortoise, as well as via the usual email and phone channels. Plus of course you can comment via this blog (no-one ever does!)
Once again, many thanks, and love, health and happiness to you all.
Yvonne, Dave, Elaine, Ash @ GT xx

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